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Page of pentacles

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The Upright Readings

kindness, new ideas/opinions, scholar, Manifestation, financial opportunity, skill development.

This card shows mercy for all within you.

You want to get Sun-like princess Marisha and you will get it. That means you work hard to achieve the target, like Marisha. Your brain keeps working there are various thoughts in your brain.

You are an intelligent person. You positively express your thoughts. You know what to speak when to speak. Financial opportunity is coming into your life, grab it! You have to pay attention to your skill development. Learn something new.

The Reverse Readings

rebellious, bad news, Lack of progress, procrastination, learn from failure.

In the coming time, people in the house or at work place will go against you. Bad news will be created, your progress may be stopped by those people. There may be a delay in your work. They are very cunning. They will teach, what should 'not' do. Even if you have failed because of them, learn from your failure. Learning from failure is a very big thing.

Page of The pentacles

European Tarot card study points:

A page is under the yellow sky. His head is covered with red cloth and his body is covered with green clothes. He is far away in the open ground trying to touch Pentacle in the sky.

Ancient Indian Tarot card study points:

A beautiful chaste, simple-looking, woman is a Rushikanya (Daughter of Sage) standing nearby Sunflowers field. She is laughing at the pentacle. The sun is rising. The field is green and full of Sunflowers.

She is Marisha. She was the queen in her past life. As Marisha, she was the devotee of Lord Sun. The sun was very fierce so she was unable to meet him. She was not spanking enough to meet Lord Sun.

After asceticism, she was blessed as the Sun Flower, to watch the sun from morning to evening.

(Detail story of Marisha from Agni Puran)

Marisha was known as Rani Trikalnyani in her previous birth. Her empire was under the Saraswati River. She used to see Sun from underwater. The aura of the Sun mesmerized her like anything. She decided to marry Lord Sun, her mind accepted him as her husband.

Trikalnyani was cursed. If she crosses the border of her kingdom she will lose her eyesight, and the Saraswati River will have vanished in the thin air. She was aware of his curse. She did not have married for the life as she was expecting Lord Sun to be her husband. She kept watching him from morning to evening.

More than one thousand years passed away, at her last time Lord Sun appeared in front of her. He asked her last wish, she smiled and asked for the boon of getting married to him and wishes to spend some time with him as a wife. Lord Sun accepted her last wish.

Unfortunately, Lord Sun was busy with his routine work and forgets his promise, he was unaware of the curse of Rani Trikalnyani. One day she decided to meet Lord Sun anyhow, so she crossed her kingdom. She lost her eyesight as she crossed the limits. She turned into a blind woman. Now she wishes to turn back to her kingdom, but as she turned, she has seen that River Saraswati is vanishing in the thin air. She lost her life without water on the barren, desert land.

Meanwhile, Sun was busy in the work. He forgets the promise of Trikalnyani. Her body vaporized in the sunrays. At night time when Lord Sun was supposed to sleep Narad Muni reached his palace.

Narad Muni reminded the promise to the Lord. Lord was repented, felt sorry for Trikalnyani.

He declared that she would take rebirth at Kanv Rishi with the mane of Marisha.

She was reborn in the ashram of Kanvi Rishi as of Marisha.

But she was still loving to Lord Sun. She used to gaze at the sun from morning to evening so Kanv Rishi started calling her 'Suraj Mukhi'( the one whose face is always towards Sun) the sunflower.

Marisha's love story was supposed to be an incomplete, tragedy. Even in this birth, Sun forgot his promise. Kanv Rishi understood Marisha's wish. He throw some divine water on her and blessed her that her incomplete love will be remembered for the coming eras of time.

And she converted into a beautiful flower.

Since then, the sunflower keeps watching and waiting for Sun.