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Knight of Cups

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The Upright Readings

dreamer, intelligence, Creativity, romance, charm, imagination, beauty.

This card very clearly shows that you are an emotional person. A romantic dreamer like you never lets emotions free. Within the mind, you weave too many romantic dreams whether you believe it or not. Isn't it? Come on, that is fine.

You are the owner of a sharp intellect. Sometimes due to over-thinking, you forget a few things. Forgetting things for you is not a sign of a forgetful person, but a sign of an art lover and a creative person. At the age of fourteen and fifteen years of your life, were full of romance. Romance means to love and you have loved your parents, God, friends, your toys, etc. Your body was very attractive at that time so in childhood, everyone was attracted to you. Your imagination, beauty, everything was at its peak in childhood. Still, no time has passed. You have to beautify yourselves, keep yourself clean. You can create attraction within yourself.

The Reverse Readings
idleness, untruthful, sensuality, Overactive imagination, unrealistic, jealous, moody.

Think everything but laziness pulls you behind. You never like lies. You have no interest at all in sexuality, hyperactive imagination, and unrealistic things. Be careful, jealous, moody people surrounded you. Without getting distracted at all, walk the path of life.

Knight of The Cups

European Tarot card study points:

The knight is riding on a trotting white horse. The armed knight is holding the cup in his right hand. He is far away from the town. A river is flowing from the mountains to the Plateau.

Ancient Indian Tarot card study points:

The knight is looking very ambitious, in his red clothes, riding on the white horse. He is pledging to himself about the terrain he can see up to or beyond the horizons.

He is looking at the river and the mountains beyond it. He is 'Ashadhamitra'.

'Mulamitra' was the commander of the Dasarana Empire. He was very brave, later his son Ashadhamitra became the commander. After the death of the king, Ashadhamitra declared his father as the king. Within a few years, he declared himself as the king.

This change was very dramatic. Ashadhamitra was very popular among the masses. Lord Vishnu blessed him. It is believed that whenever the demons attacked heaven, Ashadhamitra used to send his army to help the gods.

Dasharna was an ancient Indian janapada, a region in the eastern Malwa region between the Dashan River and Betwa River. Kalidas has mentioned the city of Vidisha in his Meghdoot. The other important towns of this district were Erakina and Erikachha as the capital of Dasarana. According to the Mahabharata, Chedis king Veerabahu or Subahu's queen and queen of Vidarbha King Bhima (mother of Damayanti) were daughters of Dasharana's.